District of Innovation
A District of Innovation is a concept passed by the 84th Legislative Session in House Bill 1842, effective immediately, that gives traditional independent school districts most of the flexibilities available to Texas’ open enrollment charter schools. To access these flexibilities, a school district must adopt an innovation plan, as set forth in the Texas Education Code chapter 12A. (TASB)
On Monday, October 17, 2016 the WFISD Board of Trustees approved a resolution allowing WFISD staff members to pursue the possibility of becoming a District of Innovation.
A public meeting was held on November 1, 2016 to allow the community to provide input and learn more about the process and scope of becoming a District of Innovation.
The original District of Innovation Plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 11, 2017. On December 8, 2020, the Board of Trustees approved and adopted the revised District of Innovation Plan. On May 16, 2022, the District of Innovation plan was renewed through 2027. A downloadable version of the renewed plan can be found below.
"For years, Texas school board members and administrators have complained about the ever-increasing number of state mandates and prescriptive laws and bemoaned the continual erosion of local control. Now there is a realistic process for districts to do something about this. Take advantage. Investigate the possibilities of becoming a district of innovation." James B. Crow, Retired Executive Director at Texas Association of School Boards