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Coach's Corner: Jason Reynolds

Coach's Corner: Jason Reynolds

As the offensive coordinator and head track coach, Old High's Jason Reynolds a pivotal figure on the field and the track. But there's more to him than just coaching.

Texas Proud

Jason's Texan roots are strong. He's a proud graduate of Wylie High School in Abilene and later honed his skills at Angelo State University in San Angelo.

A Family Man

When he's not coaching, Jason is a loving husband to Valarie and a doting dad to Josh and Jennifer. Family values drive him both as a coach and as a person.

Inspiration Beyond Sports

Jason believes champions are made from an inner fire, not just physical prowess. His favorite Muhammad Ali quote sums it up perfectly.

A Taste for Adventure

Jason enjoys the occasional getaway to Las Vegas, his favorite vacation spot. And when it comes to food, he's all about BBQ and steak.

WFHS is lucky to have Jason Reynolds in their corner.

  • Coach's Corner
  • Coyotes
  • Old High
  • WFHS