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Today's language minority students will dramatically impact the future of our nation.  We believe we need to set high expectations and place value on the native language and culture of all students.

Purpose: To provide all day language support to advance the learning of all children.

Goal: To produce lifelong, self-sufficient learners through instruction in their native language.

Classroom Objectives

  • Obtain English language proficiency by 3rd grade
  • Apply quality and consistent instruction with Bilingually certified teachers.
  • Increase parental involvement.

Instructional Focus

  • Integrate curriculum within self-contained multicultural classrooms with adequate supplemental materials.
  • Provide all day English language support in all content areas.
  • Improve teaching models to benefit cultural awareness.

Contact Us

Amanda Gonzales

Amanda Gonzales

Coordinator of Emergent Bilingualism
Maria Gonzalez

Maria Gonzalez


Supporting Emergent Bilingual Students in Texas

The English language learner (ELL) Instructional Accommodations Checklist allows the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) to document the identified purposeful linguistic accommodations for teachers to routinely implement in classroom instruction for ELL students throughout the course of the school year.  The document also includes a designated area for the LPAC to capture instructional recommendations and subjective teacher information to support instruction at the Beginning of the Year (BOY), Middle of the Year (MOY) and End of Year (EOY). 

Texas English Language Learners Portal

Emergent Bilingual Students Instructional Accommodations Checklist