Student Illness
The school nurse administers medications, provides first aid, and performs assessment of and interventions for illness, injury and student health concerns. The nurse does not diagnose illness but takes note of symptoms and notifies the parents of these observations. It is important for the health of all students that children be kept at home when ill.
If a student’s temperature equals or is greater than 100 the student cannot return to class and the parent will be contacted to make arrangements for their student to leave school. No medication will be given at school to reduce the student’s elevated temperature. A student should have a normal temperature for 24 hours following an illness, without use of fever reducing medication, before returning to school. The day a student is sent home with fever and the following day are excused absences, if the student is sent home by the school nurse.
Illness or Injury at School
- If a child becomes ill or is injured, he will be assessed, given first aid, and the parents will be notified, when indicated.
- In no case will a child be sent home until the parent or the person identified by the parent has been contacted. (Every effort will be made to contact the parent first.)
- If the parent is unable to come for the child, arrangements must be made, by the parent, for the student to be picked up from school.
- In an extreme emergency EMS or 911 will be called.
Absence due to Illness
The nurse has the responsibility if a contagious health condition is suspected to request that the child be picked up by the parent/guardian and examined by a physician for diagnosis and treatment. If a contagious illness is diagnosed, please notify the school nurse.
It is extremely important that parents keep emergency phone numbers updated. If you need to update your emergency contact information, please contact your child's campus.