Special Centralized Programs
Centralized Programs
Special Centralized Programs' goal is to provide appropriate, specially designed instruction to all students with significant disabilities. The staff will utilize diverse methods, strategies, and resources that are suited for each student according to the individualized education plan.
All of WFISD's centralized programs for high school students (LIFE, LEAP, BASE, and LIFE/BASE) are housed at Memorial High School for their academic and high school credits. After students have completed their 4 years of high school, students in centralized programs transition to Legacy High School for the 18+ Program. Students can remain in the 18+ Program through year-end of his or her 22nd birthday.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Early Childhood Special Education includes children 3, 4, and 5 years of age who have been identified as special education (non- speech only) through formal evaluations. ECSE classrooms are designed to provide early learning experiences to children with disabilities.
The ECSE curriculum consists of developmentally appropriate activities in the areas of communication, cognition, fine motor, gross motor, self-help and social skills. All students will be actively engaged, following a classroom schedule in rigorous lessons that change to meet the developing needs of the children. The activities are functional and focus on developing skills needed now and in the future.
- Cunningham Elementary (EE-PK)
- Haynes (EE-PK)
- Brook Village (PK)
Transitional Kindergarten
The primary focus of transitional kindergarten is to provide instruction for students who have the prospective capability to transition from ECSE to a traditional 1st grade campus with supports. Transitional Kindergarten is a one-year program.
The curriculum of TK is to provide learning experiences to assist students in gaining appropriate skills to integrate into the general education classroom and to employ appropriate behavior interventions to increase academic and behavioral success in the general education classroom.
- Burgess Elementary
Bridging Academics & Social Education (BASE)
The primary focus of the Bridging Academics & Social Education is to provide academic and behavior/social instruction for students with behavior that significantly interferes with their learning or the learning of others.
The goal of the BASE program is to target problematic behaviors with research based interventions to allow students to eventually function effectively in the least restrictive environment. Students coping skills as well as behavior strategies are implemented to achieve this goal.
- Fowler Elementary (PreK-5th grade)
- McNiel Middle School (6th-8th grade)
- Memorial High School (9th-12th grade)
Language Enriched Academic Program (LEAP)
The primary focus of Language Enriched Academic Program is to provide instruction for students that have significant impairments in language, academic, and behavioral performance. The LEAP program serves students in need of direct teaching of functional communication to increase independence in self-help skills, academic performance, and target behavioral objectives.
The curriculum focuses on direct teaching of functional communication to increase independence in self-help skills, academic performance, and target behavioral objectives. LEAP teaches prerequisite academic skills to gradually increase the rigor of the academic curriculum while analyzing behavior changes to create appropriate behavior plans that assist students in achieving success in the school setting.
- Cunningham Elementary (EE-PK)
- Milam Elementary (Kindergarten-2nd grade)
- West Foundation Elementary (3rd-5th grade)
- Barwise Middle School (6th-8th grade)
- Memorial High School (9th-12th grade)
- Legacy High School (18+ through year-end of 22nd birthday)
Learning in a Functional Environment (LIFE)
The primary focus of Learning in a Functional Environment is to provide functional, academic, and behavioral instruction for students with the most significant cognitive impairments. This program also serves students who are medically fragile.
The needs of the students require a functional curriculum focused on the acquisition of daily living and vocational skills leading to a successful transition to adult life within the community. These multi-level classrooms provide instruction in practical academics, communication, community, domestic, leisure/recreation, and vocational skills utilizing a functional curriculum.
- Cunningham Elementary (EE-2nd grade)
- Jefferson Elementary (3rd-5th grade)
- McNiel Middle School (6th-8th grade)
- Memorial High School (9th-12th grade)
- Legacy High School (18+ through year-end of 22nd birthday)
Learning in a Functional Environment (LIFE)/Bridging Academics & Social Education (BASE)
The primary focus of Learning in a Functional Environment is to provide functional, academic, and behavioral instruction for students with the most significant cognitive impairments while embedding behavior/social instruction for students with behavior that significantly interferes with their learning or the learning of others.
The needs of the students require a functional curriculum focused on the acquisition of daily living and vocational skills leading to a successful transition to adult life within the community. These multi-level classrooms provide instruction in practical academics, communication, community, domestic, leisure/recreation, and vocational skills utilizing a functional curriculum.This program also embedds target problematic behaviors with research based interventions to allow students to eventually function effectively in the least restrictive environment. Students coping skills as well as behavior strategies are implemented to achieve this goal.
- Jefferson Elementary (PK-5)
- McNiel Middle School (6th-8th grade)
- Memorial High School (9th-12th grade)
- Legacy High School (18+ through year-end of 22nd birthday)
Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
The RDSPD is a regional program designed to provide instruction for students with auditory impairments age 0-21 that impact the ability to acquire language, academic, communication and social skills. WFISD is the fiscal agent for the program through a Shared Service Agreement (SSA). Students are served with varying degrees of disability from a mild to a profound hearing loss. Services may include direct service within the WFISD, to include sign language interpreters, communication facilitators, speech/language skills, and auditory skills. Comparable services are also provided through Early Childhood Intervention (ECI – outside agency via contract) in the home or itinerant services throughout the Region 9 ESC area.
The curriculum provides a total communication approach to ensure excellence and equity of educational experiences for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. RDSPD provides a student’s “voice” whenever they are unable to communicate orally within the educational setting through sign language interpreters or facilitators with professional staff and peers.
ECI services will provide guidance for families as they navigate the process of communicating with and educating their child. The child may learn in a manner which is not the families’ first language (sign).
Itinerant services will provide direct services for students, educate non-Deaf Education staff and provide support for other Shared Service Arrangement districts to educate students with hearing loss in their home communities.
All WFISD campuses (itinerant),
- Cunningham
- McNiel
- Legacy
- All Region 9 SSA districts and communities