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Parent Contributing to Nonattendance

(a) If a warning is issued as required by Section 25.095 (a), the parent with criminal negligence fails to require the child to attend school as required by law, and the child has absences for the amount of time specified under Section 25.094, the parent commits an offense

(b) The attendance officer or other appropriate school official shall file a complaint against the parent in:

(1) the constitutional county court of the county in which the parent resides or in which the school is located, if the county has a population of two million or more;

(2) a justice court of any precinct in the county in which the parent resides or in which the school is located; or

(3) a municipal court of the municipality in which the parent resides or in which the school is located.

(c) An offense under Subsection (a) is a Class C misdemeanor. Each day the child remains out of school may constitute a separate offense. Two or more offenses under Subsection (a) may be consolidated and prosecuted in a single action. If the court orders deferred disposition under Article 45.051, Code of Criminal Procedure, the court may require the defendant to provide personal services to a charitable or educational institution as a condition of the deferral.